Sunday, October 10, 2010

I want to be like Nephi

I often say that I am unprepared for motherhood.  I can cook tolerable food, but I have severely limited ideas about what to make.  I don't know how to maintain a house, budget, fix stuff, get stains out of clothes, prepare a food storage, do hair. . .the list goes on.  Instead of learning all this, I was taking classes about Middle Age Literature (now THERE'S something to help you down the road!) and playing in a bluegrass band.

Nephi: He had no idea how he was going to get the plates.  He had no idea how to get to the promised land.  He didn't know how to build a ship, much less sail a ship. In 2 Nephi 5:15 he teaches his people to build buildings, work in wood and iron and etc and then in verse 16, he builds a temple. 
These are not easy things.  Not only that, but Nephi learned to do these things while his brothers were continually threatening his life. 

I can be like Nephi.  I can learn.  I can do hard things. 

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